Wednesday, July 2, 2008

summer floats



MY lovely roommate, Nicole, came home the other day with (gasp!) floaty-innertubes! They had F-U-N written all over them, and they were on $1. We slid into the pool, only nicole didn't fully inflate hers so it sort of collapsed in on her (like I usually am with her, I was laughing so hard by this point)! But eventually we got the hang of it, and if it weren't for some rambunctious swimmers, we could have floated there all day long. Isn't Nicole's swimmer-suit so sensational?? From Deliah's. Mine is another sale find at GAP. Oooh blessed summer.


Dani said...

i don't know what you're calling an inner tube, but those are NOT inner tubes. come on, hanalei. you know what an INNER TUBE looks like because our crazy mothers have made us go on millions of river floats, and those are not inner tubes. what you have there are decorative child's playthings, not the toughened and rugged things we REAL Ida Hoans call INNER TUBES. you should repost with correct titles.

i love you. i miss you.

ms. s. manwaring said...

soooooooo i miss pools.

but i do have the ocean. that's cool.

deb said...

those look like a blast and a half.