is it just me, or did stephanie meyer's write a book on my life? i was telling spencer today (yes we were talking about something other than white-out, for once), that i am going anti-social. and i am. this is my life, everyday: i wake up, go to work, come home, and if no one is home, i go for a run. then i climb into bed and inevitably fall asleep reading. no mexico, no montana, just me and an ocean of pillows and blankets. excepting the late night sushi run the other evening, that's pretty much what i do. luckily, in books, i am able to transport myself to somewhere else, be someone else, feel the hurt and pain that doesn't belong to me. Gutenberg, to you i owe my sanity. and to photoshop.
hey, you know what they say.
if you can't join em, beat em. with a stick. or a book.
ya know what the smarter people say?????
and bring moose pie too.
i had an addiction to photoshop. it can be a deadly addiction. i miss you. i too am an anti-social. my life: sleep, school, food, work. i hate summer school. 3 classes.... kill me. love you though!
This may seem very strange, but I have a question. I'm a student from the Netherlands and for my school activities I need to register a blogspot.com adress, I really want daydreamabout.blogspot.com because my project is about daydreaming. I saw that you allready registered the adress but your not active on it. I would really, really appreciate it if you deleted the account so I can use it. I couldn't find a e-mail adress that's why I posted my question in the comments! I hope you'll read it, please send me an e-mail if you will do it yes or no (to funsebus@gmail.com). Many thanks and sorry for my bad English!
Greetings, Funs Ebus
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