i should be studying. i watched a movie last friday that i liked very much. based on a book that i wish i'd have read before watching the film. and my dear, sweet, loyal ipod that has been with me all these years is slowly and bitterly fading from existence. the end of the year is a day away. Media Law & ethics, and WOrld Civilization is standing in the way. soon, tho, i will be on a beach in california, soaking up a tan before coming back to provo, which, as of late, is seeming a mundane option for my summer, but good to prepare for future church service. i welcome the summer.
yeah i like wattching action movies cause i like stuff exploding and its cool
I welcome summer - because it means I will be on an island beach soaking up the sun - but I will be at the opposite end of the world from you (well the country - but it might as well be the world)... at least it is the same sun.
I will miss you.
mundane option?! you better come back. this morning i had a thought-maybe hana will leave to go home for a "break" and just never come back and i will never ever see her again. or at least not for 2 yeeears! dont do that please :(
yay! new post! hope your drive was good and that you didn't fall asleep. callmeokaybye.
HANA! i need to keep up with your blog - my poor brain needs stimulation or i shall surely DIE!
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