If there's one thing that influences my feelings, moods, thoughts, style, dress, LIFE...it's music.
here's how i see it:
good music = happy thoughts
if i could sing, and i mean really sing, like a mixture of mandy moore+norah jones kind of melodic sound, i would be one of those really annoying people who sing 24/7, every possible song that flies into their heads. i would probably just stop talking all together, and simply live the life of a broadway musical, where everything inspires a song. can you imagine if every conversation on the weather, every argument about politics, every communication with God, was in the form of a song? in the words of ERC, "...you can't tell me that wouldn't change the world."
I wish that you would sing all the time. I wish you would live your dream. My grandpa said once that "you should sing as loud as you can because that is the voice that God gave you". I never actually heard him say that, but I believe it to be true. I just did a post about music, I guess it has been on my mind lately, I love it, it is always on my mind. I love music just about as much as I love you, but I love you more. I do... I love people more than I love music, a lot more.... but sometimes I like to shut the world out and just listen... that is my favorite thing to do. I loved this post.... keep on keeping on and keep singing.
beautiful. i think you should change the world
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